Spring is here! The birds are nesting, and so are we.
There have been a lot of things happening around here, but the main one causing all kinds of excitement, work, decision-making, and a general sprinkling of chaos is this...
We've decided to become a foster family!
This decision feels really good for us right now. In looking around at all the children (waaaay more than you would think!) who are abused, neglected, or otherwise in real need in our country, I have for several months been filled with just an overwhelming need to do something to help. So when Mike came to me one day and asked how I'd feel about fostering, I answered pretty quickly. Now is the time.
So due to various rules and regulations, we're moving a lot of things around here at home. Pictures to follow, I promise, once the dust settles. We have one more training class and a home visit from our licensing worker, and then we're good to go. So we should be certified in about a month or so. A month, people! Seriously, wow. Our life has been pretty quiet for the last few years. I can't wait to see what this new season brings.
Things are about to get really, really interesting.